
Shopping for a road pedal system can be a bit daunting even for experienced riders. This decision can become more complicated if making a switch from a previous pedal system to a new one. As athletes, we are always looking for ways to gain an edge on our competition, an extra watt here or...

How to Build the Ultimate Indoor Cycling Setup

It’s time to remove all distractions.  It’s time to upgrade everything. It’s time to build the ultimate cycling ecosystem. Making the ultimate indoor cycling system is a three-step process. Upgrade your cycling gear Upgrade your entertainment Upgrade your ambiance The Ultimate Cycling Gear The Core Gear Start by getting the right trainer, the right...

How Can Exercise Relieve Stress?

One key attribute that many of the world’s best athletes possess is the ability to “shut down.”What does this mean? To shut down? As humans, we were not made to be running at full capacity at all times. Our engines can only handle so much, and at some point, we will combust. オー...


心拍数トレーニングは、サイクリストにとって重要なツールです。強く、速くそして健康を向上するのに役立ちます。一方で、過度のトレーニングと疲労を防ぎます。But that’s only if you know what to look for, how to find it, and how to track it. However, before you start tracking your heart rate, it’s important...

Understanding your Swim Metrics

If you’re looking to knock your next triathlon out of the park, then conquering the swim is key! Setting yourself up for your best swim will rely heavily upon your preparation in training. Just like cycling and running, swim training will include many similar pieces: a warm-up, main set, and cool-down. The difference is...

The Unique Dynamics of Indoor Cycling

Have you ever noticed that you may have a power difference when riding indoors vs. outdoors? Or potentially efforts at the same given intensity feel harder when you’re on your indoor trainer? Well, you’re not alone. This is where cycling dynamics come in place. Many cyclists find that they are unable to produce the same...


体系的なトレーニングプランに従うことについて、多くのサイクリストは、プロにしか関係のないことだと考えているかもしれません。実際のところ、体系的なトレーニングプランは、レースを目指す人、地元のルートを最も得意としている人、あるいは100マイル完走を目指す人など、目標に向かって取り組むあらゆる人を対象としています。No matter how large or...

The Performance Myths Between Men and Women

It is obvious that there are physical differences between men and women. Men are typically taller, more muscular, and therefore usually outperform women when it comes to upper body performances (like lifting), strength, and power events. This is also true when it comes to shorter-distance events; historically, men outperform women. That being said, this...

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