Setting Goals for a Successful Cycling Season

Goals are what drive each and every one of us to strive for our personal best. They are what allow us to wake at early hours to get on the trainer or to log late evening miles. They are what we dream of when we go to sleep, and push us when we are...

Debunking Training and the Menstrual Cycle

Women are not small men. Some of you may be familiar with this phrase as made famous by Dr. Stacy Sims, a leading researcher on female physiology and endurance. This statement could not be more true. Though some women may train just the same as their male counterparts, the truth is our physiology differs...

Going Beyond Threshold Power – The SYSTM 4DP Power Profile

With the advent of accurate, reliable smart trainers like the KICKR and SNAP, more athletes are taking advantage of the benefits of training with power. With that comes a greater focus on metrics like Functional Threshold Power (FTP). For the uninitiated, FTP is typically defined as the highest power output you can maintain for...

Ask the Experts: Hill Climbing 101

Even if we are not preparing to race in the Tour anytime soon, it is an important skill to become a strong climber for any cyclist. With increased metrics provided to riders at the touch of a button, it is easier than ever to track your performance and improvement in cycling across the board....

How Long Does It Take To Lose Fitness?

We have all been there at one point or another: the fear that begins to creep in when we have to take a day off from training. Whether this is due to energy levels, family/life obligations, or injury prevention, a day can feel like an eternity for most endurance athletes. What would happen if...

Don’t Bail on a Workout, Adjust It

While we all imagine executing our training to a T, rarely is this the case. More often than not, the path to success resembles more of a wet noodle than that of a straight line. The bottom line is: that’s okay. Even more so, it is to be expected. We can’t always be at...

Ask the Experts: When to Skip a Workout

It happens to all of us: we wake up feeling under the weather or perhaps we had a terrible night of sleep, BUT you have a workout on the schedule for today: so what do you do? If you work with a coach it can be reassuring to hear the words, “it’s okay to...

By The Numbers: Ian Boswell’s Unbound Win

The first big gravel monument of 2021 is done and dusted. After a grueling day of riding across the hot, windy, and at times chunky gravel roads of Kansas’s UNBOUND Gravel signature event, Wahoo athlete Ian Boswell took the top step of the podium in the 200-mile race with a winning time of 10:17:24. ...

Are You Overtrained? Warning Signs of Overtraining

It can begin with a simple idea that doing one more training session can help improve your performance. Perhaps one more interval, or one more mile, and this leads you down a rabbit hole of constant doubt if what you’re doing is enough. Working hard is an excellent attribute to possess, but when overworking (and...

ATE: When To Go Slow, So You Can Be Fast

Training is a time to work on our weaknesses, increase our strengths, and really test our limits of performance in a low-risk environment. The inevitable desire to make every single session a PR gradually creeps into your mind as you progress with training and begin to see fitness gains. Soon enough you find yourself...

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